Fri, 20 Jun 2003

pradaIt was a warm night, after a hard day... I could hardly stand up and keep myself awake. I was feeling dizzy and I couldn't think about anything else than to go to bed.

Then, I started thinking about what Yannick told me today: he's going to organize a fashion show and he proposed me to come over and take a few pictures.
I have never done that before, but I thought it would be a fun experience

I was getting excited about the idea but also scared at the same time, not knowing how to shoot, whether I should use the flash or not, what lens to take with me, etc.
About the last one, I think my 28-135IS would still be the most appropriate one (until I get the 24-70L!) for its wide range of focal length.

However, I was a little worried about its ability to focus in low light so I just forgot about my tiredness and went out to try it out (I haven't shot with it much lately, putting in front the 16-35L) and went to take my own "prada" shot, that new building in Aoyama that must have been shot by hundreds of photographers, I presume

I had in mind a few shots such as Fred's or another one from a most excellent weblog called Tokyo shoes, but I was wondering how I could have my own personal shot
I wanted someone in the shot for the picture to really show the crazyness of that building and I was quite lucky as I didn't have to wait too long until 2 girls stopped by to have a look at some shoes

I couldn't wait for another opportunity like this one, as it was already late at night and that the probability for more people to drop by was quite low (if you put aside the drunk salary men, of course...), so I grabbed my camera, and took the shot hand-held (exposure: 1/30s) at ISO400, taking advantage of the low noise of the 10D.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the shot was sharp, in spite of all the hot discussions on the web concerning the alledged unability of the 10D to properly focus, no camera shake either and very clean for ISO400 :)

Have a look at the tokyo page where there is another picture I took on my way to prada

I feel a little better about my camera and the capability of this lens, but I'm still worried about the fashion show which should happen on Thursday night.
The pictures will be posted as soon as I can.

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