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Fri, 11 Jul 2003

Gum ban lifted in Singapore

I've just read in the news today that Singapore lifted the gum ban.
First of all, I didn't even know there was a gum ban in Singapore!

I'm wondering how people who like gum were doing before...
Were there gum dealers selling gums in the street to teenagers after school? What was the penalty for being caught chewing gum? When you go to Singapore with some gum in your backpack, would you be sent to jail as if you were carrying drugs ;-) ?

It's only half a step forward though, since the article mentions that only pharmacies will be allowed to sell gum (and only the one that aids "dental and oral hygiene")...

Still better than Singapore's original proposal to sell gum only with a doctor's prescription!
How much is a doctor's consultation, compared to the price of a pack of gum?...
