Error: I'm afraid this is the first I've heard of a "writeback" flavoured Blosxom. Try dropping the "/+writeback" bit from the end of the URL.

Thu, 10 Jun 2004

Lost City of Atlantis Found in Spain?

man of atlantisA satellite image taken not too far from Spain's southern coast revealed some ancient ruins that appear to match descriptions made by Plato of the lost city of Atlantis.

Two rectangular structures could be the silver temple and the golden temple devoted to the Greek Gods Cleito and Poseidon.

The article in Discovery Channel explains how the different elements in Plato's writings could match locations and events in history.

If this is really the city of Altantis, I'm wondering if there are still posters of Patrick Duffy (the Man of Atlantis) stuck on the walls somewhere...

I mean, this guy from Atlantis must be the only one of his kind to have made it to a TV show, so he must be a star in his hometown ;-).
